For the sake of art
(the below link allows you to listen to this story instead.)
So i love creating images for the sake of art. i hear people make money out of this (professional modeling) that i somehow haven’t nestled into as i would like. still, i strive to make this kind of art. the same should be possible for my poetry. i feel sometimes struck by inspiration then i make myself wait for the courage to put it out there. i wrote this 10 min ago and it is raw and i think quite well written.
it touches on topics of self depreciation, coping methods used by victims of abuse, difficulties they experience in relationships, how people tend to erect either monuments to oneself or/as walls around onself, and how everyone you meet, every single one of them is currently fighting a battle. pray enjoy, be amused.
An ode to the smallest bl*^t I ever smoked

grass (I, we , you)
I may or may not want to summon
the medicine, man
not for the rises, but the sediments
for the thoughts I distill
make concrete in this shair.
like, what color is joy?
how much does self determination cost
in today’s cowries
and the testament I will to have
for my deliverance
and how sickly must we all become
before we recall
the indoctrination of imperfections
all the ways we disregard our own reflections.
so, you have been seen, creature
rejoice, don’t waste the haste
bistro haraka recall
the indoctrination of imperfections
what could you have that I am missing,
heathen, you have been seen
you ask and you ask and you ask
and you ask, prayer warrior
have you readied to receive?