fear man
This poem was unnecessarily painfully extracted by the recent decision of the Ugandan government to criminalize LGBTQ+ relationships in their country on the base of religious beliefs and “african customs”. I blasphemize a bit with some advice for Jesus or whoever we humans are waiting for to return to cleanse the human population because his words “love thy neighbour as you love yourself” have been ignored and if he returns any different to what the society is accustomed to he too will fall prey to the law of the land.
fear man.
kills the living
to serve the dead.
prays for mercy and peace,
meanwhile he rules with an iron fist.
fear man.
worships a god he killed,
yet its us
who stall a second coming.
a word of advice to the dearly departed:
you best return as widely depicted.
arrange yourself a body of a male
first born child,
conceived without sin,
of a virgin.
hair devoid of kinks,
skin scant of melanin,
tricks heavy,
bend your spine,
walk on water,
ferment it into wine.
find a faithful dozen,
the pyramid’s base,
grieve the good word
any chance you get.
wear the cloak of sanctity,
appear in dreams
and visions,
communicate with
inanimate things,
preach the meek
shall inherit the earth.
fear man.
he’ll fix you death
and claim god’s plan.
fear man.
the elders will converge
what’s left of
a congregation of fools,
the tithe is exactly
thirty pieces of silver,
paid in full.